Whether you're practicing for a job in investment banking, quantitative trading, or sales and trading: we've got you covered!
By creating an account, you will have unlimited access to all modeling questions at no cost whatsoever
Practice from any device, anytime! Your models are always saved to the cloud so you can practice wherever you are.
The questions and templates are set up by our in-house industry-experts, ensuring the questions are as close to the real deal as possible.
Join our vast and growing global community of upcoming analysts, traders, and even recruiters!
Zelt is more than just practicing financial modeling. We help users prepare for behavorial and technical interviews via our built-in AI. We help businesses recruit and train interns/employees to meet their modelling standards with customizable templates.
Answers to our most commonly asked questions.
All our models and questions are accessible for free for absolutely no cost to anyone!
We understand that our product currently uses Google Sheets, however: all features, formulae, and shortcuts that can be used to solve our models, is directly transferable to excel!
Zelt means tent in German. Zelt was originally thought and developed when our founders were tenting for the Duke-Carolina Basketball for the game. And it's in German, because one of our cofounders lived there!
We are consistently adding more and more questions everyday, as soon as possible so that we can help prepare you for any finance position possible!
What's new at Zelt.
April 1st, 2024
Today, we launched Zelt became live for the world! Checkout our awesome templates and questions right now.
February 14th, 2024
On Valentine's day, we deployed our site to give out to selected testers. A huge milestone for us!
April 1st, 2024
Today, Zelt was first thought of inside a tent with a hope to help students and everyone else around to get their dream job in finance!